Netflix Reviews and Ratings
This page provides user reviews and ratings for Netflix dvd rentals. Information on internet DVD rental services, DVD movie clubs and merchants, and video game rental services is provided by our site. Visit our Netflix page for's content on Netflix.
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Shown first are the average ratings of calculated from every rating that has been submitted for Netflix. Scroll down to view Netflix reviews and individual ratings for Netflix dvd movie rentals.
Average Netflix User Rating (1 = poor, 3 = average, 5 = excellent)
Overall Overall Satisfaction

| Selection Number and Range of Titles

| Availability Availability of Selected Titles

| Value Cost & Value of Service

| Features Site features and ease of use

| Shipping Speed Turnaround & Delivery Time

Average based on 46 user ratings
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Look the top of this page for the average ratings for These ratings are a calculation based on all the feedback submitted to To check out individual ratings and reviews continue on to the rest of this page.
Netflix Reviews and Ratings
1. Netflix Rating Submitted on January 15, 2011

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| Features

| Shipping Speed

By Red from New York
2. "Has gotten expensive" Submitted on November 23, 2010

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| Shipping Speed

I have been a Netflix customer for about four years. Recently the prices have increased due to the capability of watching movies instantly, either on you home computer or TV. I do not have internet or a land line in my home, therefore do not have the capabilities to watch instantly. I do not feel I should have to pay for this service if I do not use it. I will miss Netflix but will not pay for something I do not use. By Lori from Barron, WI
3. Netflix Rating Submitted on November 6, 2010

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| Shipping Speed

By Chris Torres from South Elgin, IL USA
4. Netflix Rating Submitted on October 25, 2010

| Selection

| Availability

| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

By jay from TN
5. Netflix Rating Submitted on October 1, 2010

| Selection

| Availability

| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

By Johnny from Mobile, AL
6. Netflix Rating Submitted on September 21, 2010

| Selection

| Availability

| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

By Dennis Reed from Frostburg, Maryland, USA .
7. "Free trial" Submitted on June 20, 2010

| Selection

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| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

i would like to try out Netflix, however I don't like free trials that ask for credit cards. I prefer to decide and if so, then give out my credit card info. I don't want to be responsible for charges if I happen to forget or I am called out of town which happens due to the nature of my job. Let me know If you want my business.
Tammy By tammy from McLean Va.
8. Netflix Rating Submitted on June 2, 2010

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| Features

| Shipping Speed

By john from New York, New York
9. "a 5 star company down to 3 stars now" Submitted on March 24, 2010

| Selection

| Availability

| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

I was an 8-at-a-time Netflix customer with nearly 3000
rentals, and the biggest booster of Netflix in this part of the country.
Netflix has tampered with their features to such an extent that it is no longer a pleasure to browse.
Check the blogs for details. By steve from fredericksburg, texas
10. "Best DVD Rental Service" Submitted on January 25, 2010

| Selection

| Availability

| Value

| Features

| Shipping Speed

Out of the different DVD rental services out there, Netflix is the best. They have a huge selection of over 100,000 titles, so you can get just about any movie every released. Since they have so many distribution centers, shipping is usually very fast.
I have a Blu-Ray player and really prefer high definition for most movies. Netflix has a good selection of Bluray titles, and more come out every week. There is a $2 a month charge as a Blu-ray access charge, but that is very reasonable given that buying a Bluray title at the store is generally much more expensive than the regular DVD. By Deeeman from San Jose, CA
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